Friday, April 17, 2020
Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report Essay Example
Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report Paper The second one was hat there is no difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. After doing the test and performing the necessary calculations on the chi-squared test, I found out that a greater amount of people who brushed were able to correctly identify the cola products. INTRODUCTION: If you were given a blind taste test and asked to distinguish between two products, how confident do you think you are in telling the products apart? In my Biology 141 class, we did the Pepsi/Coke Challenge and that challenge was simply about vying individuals a blind taste test, and asking them to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. There are many reasons why reasons people perform blind test. These test can be sent, smell, feel or taste. In marketing, a blind taste test is used as a tool for companies to see how they can improve their product. It is also used as a tool for companies to develop their brand. For example, many restaurants select random people to taste their food, so that they would know which dish needs more improvement. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsi Coke Challenge Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The results of these tests are not always the same. This is because there are some people who may use those products very frequently, so they are more likely to tell the difference between the two products. On the other hand there are those people rarely use the product, so they will have a harder time distinguishing between the product and they are more likely to get it wrong. Then there are those people who are stuck between the two extremes who uses the product often enough, but they are unsure. However, I know that brushing your teeth and drinking or eating right after causes whatever you are eating or drinking to taste funny. Knowing this, the question I ask is, Is there a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, affect their ability to distinguish between the Cola products Pepsi and Coke? HI : There is a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. H2O: There is no difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. If there is a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your and Coke, then there will be a difference in the percent that each group correctly identifies the colas in a blind test. METHODS: In order to get accurate results in our Pepsi/Coke Challenge blind test, the Biology 141 class disguised each can by wrapping aluminum foil over the entire can. We then decided to only ask fifteen students who attend the University of the Virgin Island on SST. Thomas campus to participate in our challenge. Before leaving the lab, the class was split into two groups, Comparison or Single Cola (which was Pepsi). The Comparison group gathered thirty cups, so that the participants wouldnt reuse the same cup and alter the taste by mixing the two products, fifteen questionnaire forms, an ice bag, ice three Coke cans and three Pepsi cans. The Single Cola group gathered fifteen cups, fifteen questionnaire forms, an ice bag, ice, and three Pepsi cans. We placed the cans that werent being used as yet into the ice bag until the one can being used was empty. Before giving the students the products to taste, we had them fill out the questionnaire that had questions such as, Did you take this test today? Have you eaten anything recently? Have you brushed your teeth within the last thirsty minutes? Which cola product do you like best out of Pepsi and Coke? How confident are you in distinguishing between the two cola products? If any student reported that they had taken the report earlier that day, we eliminated them and selected someone else who hadnt to fill their position. After asking the fifteen students, we then went back to the lab to record our finding on a spreadsheet. RESULTS: For our Pepsi/Coke Challenge, there were two hundred and thirty six people who did the test. Of he two hundred and thirty six people, fifty six people who brushed and seventy people who didnt brush identified the Cola products correctly. Everyone in the people who brushed section correctly identified the product, but one hundred and ten people in the didnt brush section got the test wrong. This represents 100% of the people who did brush and 38% of the people who didnt brush. After performing a Chi Square test, we saw that there was a greater percentage of people who couldve identified the product were the ones who brushed (SD 64. 1, chi-square = 3. 841, 1 degree of freedom). Figurer: A greater percent of people who brushed correctly identified the products. DISCUSSION: A greater amount of people who brushed were able to correctly identify the cola products. From the values given from the chi- squared test, this implicates that there is a difference between brushing your teeth and not brushing your teeth, within the last thirty minutes, in their ability to distinguish between Pepsi and Coke. Knowing this, I know that my second hypothesis, There is no difference , is incorrect and can be eliminated. The differences found in this test may be that the people who brushed may eave a cleaner mouth so they were more capable to tell which product was Pepsi and which one was coke. Most participants were able to tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi because they probably drink these cola products frequently. There were other people who knew the difference because they only drank Coke since they did not like the taste of Pepsi and vice-versa. Other people were able to tell the difference just by smelling it because they said that Pepsi had a sweeter scent. Since we only tested VI students, the results may vary if we were to do this challenge on another set of individuals.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Writing an Argumentative Essay Topic For High School Students
Writing an Argumentative Essay Topic For High School StudentsWhen it comes to writing essays at high school, there are many argumentative essay topics. In fact, there are so many arguments, you might have difficulty coming up with more than one. But a good number of them will require a lot of research, so do keep these in mind when you write.One of the first argumentative essay topics you should consider is yourself and your life. You may have some experience or education that you are not sharing here, but you can give a side-by-side example of a positive or negative incident that you're not proud of. As the life of the homecoming queen, you certainly had a couple of problems, but these are too few to describe in an essay. What did you learn from these experiences?Another argumentative essay topic might be your future plans in school. There are probably a million and one ways that high school can alter your chances of getting into college or attending graduate school. There are sever al types of scholarships for women and girls, but you'll want to make sure that you are researching all the options you can get before making a decision.Or maybe you think you might attend local colleges and you're wondering if there are any scholarships for single moms, minorities, or things of that nature. The truth is that most women who attend college must either work or attend to family matters, so a large percentage of women's scholarships don't benefit single moms. You can tell stories about achievements you've made in your life, which probably includes teaching, volunteering, or taking care of your children. A strong argument will be needed to support any statement that you make in the essay.This last example may make you think of a high school student who attended a successful and prestigious high school and went on to become a homecoming queen or something of that nature. That would probably be the most persuasive argument you could make to get a scholarship for women of t his caliber. You can tell stories about these remarkable women who overcame hard times and will surely use their stories to support your scholarship application.The thing to remember is that you're not going to get a scholarship to college by using these tips alone. You'll need to be prepared with all the information you need to make an argument, so don't feel like you're doing this alone.If you are a woman interested in applying for scholarships for women of high school, think carefully about what you might say to show how much you'll benefit by going to college. But do make sure you keep all of the facts and figures straight and have an engaging essay.
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